Thursday, May 15, 2008

Henceforth, yes, Forthcoming

A great deal of exciting events are springing 'round the town,
they will be be bombarded, henceforth, by rebel clowns.

Tibetan Freedom Torch Festival
Sunday May 18

The Tibetan Freedom Torch is coming to Toronto in its international relay. It will be welcomed with music and a street festival in front of the Chinese consulate.

No Big Box in Leslieville: Ontario Municipal Board Hearings
Wednesday May 21
ALSO! Thursday May 22

"We tried. Mayor Miller asked. The Film Board asked. Over 4500 residents, Film Workers and concerned Torontonians asked. The answer is No, the Province will not make a declaration of Provincial Interest in the Smart!Centres OMB hearing." [ETCC]

A hearing for the development of 1900 parking spaces and a Smart!Centres retail unit (probably a big box store) is before the Ontario Municipal Board. As said above, many levels of the municipality have tried to prevent this, but it has come down to a hearing nonetheless. We'll be there.

Learn more? No Big Box Official Website Spacing Magazine
Now Magazine

Bells on Bloor
May 25

A bicycle ride from High Park to Queen's Park. Free bicycle bells for all, so that we can spread both noise and bike lanes.

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