Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Fossil Fools Pictures

We traipsed round train tracks, bridges, car dealerships, gas stations and an aeroport. Naturally, we took pictures. You can view the photos as a slideshow here.

Fossil Fools was an international day of action, calling for pranks and tomfoolery and wishing that climate change could be a jest. We're all fossil fools, however, and you can catch a glimpse of that by looking at all the actions from April the First.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

U-Turn: Earthy Daze of Action

There will be a rally, music, parade, street festival, car sacrifice, petitioning, and, naturally, we clowns. The rally is a 12 noon, the parade at 1 pm and the street festival from 2 to 4. We'll be there, handing out noses and generally having a good time. For more information, check Streets Are For People or The Toronto Climate Campaign.